In Association with and Sponsored by

Conference Programme

The two-day discussions were marked by technical and political sessions with key information and Q & A about subjects falling under the responsibility of ASECAP’s different Permanent Committees (COPERs) affecting infrastructure financing, safe movement and smart mobility.

A session was specifically devoted to delivering the final results of the REETS project (the sole pan-European project on regional tolling interoperability funded by the European Commission) led by ASECAP. Furthermore, the REETS and EETS stakeholders discussed the future of a pan-European interoperable electronic toll system based upon the REETS legacy.

Finally, a session on innovative marketing activities of toll motorway operators was held during which national cases focusing on best practices and added value services for the customers had been brought into the spotlight.

Click to download the Final Programme

10.00 - 19:00

Registration and distribution of congress papers

15.00 - 18:00

ASECAP Steering Committee and General Assembly – ASECAP Members only



Visit to the exhibition area (cocktails & finger food) NEW


Welcome Reception (walking dinner) – (Venue: Intercontinental Hotel Terrace)

from 08.00

Registration and distribution of congress papers

09:30 - 10:15

The European Electronic Toll Service: the EETS Platform and Pilot operations

Moderator: Kallistratos Dionelis, ASECAP Secretary-General

10:15 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 11:15

Concession model: a tool to finance mobility services in an EU integrated approach

PART A - Presentation of the ASECAP Study on the Concession model

11:15 - 12:45

12:45 - 14:15


14:15 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 18:00

Safety as first priority of toll motorway companies: exchange of best practices and innovative projects

Moderator: Malika Seddi (ASFA), COPER II Chairman

Kallistratos Dionelis, ASECAP Secretary-General, ASECAP position on Directives 2004/54/EU and 2008/96 on "Tunnel safety and TENS safe management"

Followed by Q&A


ASECAP DAYS Dinner (departure from the hotel at 19.30)

from 08.00

Registration and distribution of congress papers

09:00 - 11:00

Challenges for road operators in the ITS domain - automated driving and radio frequencies

Moderator: Marko Jandrisits (ASFINAG), COPER III Chairman

1st PART: How to gradually shift from traditional ITS towards autonomous driving

2nd PART: Radio Frequencies - a limited resource for applications in the road sector

Followed by Q & A

11:00 - 11.30

Coffee break

13:30 - 15:00
